A Secret Letter from my Father Walkthrough – Unlock the hatch in statue
1. When 4 coins collected, arrange the coin in sequential order of copper, aluminum, silver and gold (coins number is 2968).
a. Tap on (1).
2.After arranging the coins, it will open up the hatch at the bottom of the goddess statue where you will take a pair of scissors in it.
a. Tap on the bottom of statue(1).
b. Tap on (2) and take the scissors.
c. Pair of scissors.
3. Same item combination tactic, double tap on the pole pipe to detail screen then click on the scissors. Tap on the pole pipe again and it will combine become high twig shear.
a. Double tap on the pole pipe(1).
b. Tap on the scissors (2a) then tap on the pole pipe (2b).
c. High twig shear.
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I got stuck . . .
You will complete this game by follow my guide. Thanks.
Thanks so much for the help. I wouldn’t have made it without you! 🙂